Inspirational Art Quotes

When I visit my mom, we like to watch art documentaries together. Brian Rutenburg has some particularly great videos on creative inspiration. Here are a few quotes I want to share with you:

  • Make a shit ton of work, then destroy 90% of it.
  • Nothing interesting results from perfection.
  • If you can’t explain something simply, then you don’t understand it.
  • Success is confused with popularity.
  • Choose friends carefully.
  • You won the greatest lottery… you were born.
  • The only way to avoid criticism is to say nothing, do nothing, and be nothing.
  • Boredom is the fuel of creativity.
  • There will always be someone smarter or stronger, but there is no one exactly like you. Be totally, authentically you. Be the most like yourself.
  • Simplify to clarify.
  • The world is full of love songs, but there is always room for one more.
  • Anything self-conscious sucks. (Get out of your own way).
  • No one cares what you do.
  • If you tell the truth, you don’t have to remember anything.

Consciousness Defined By Suffering

In the book “Nexus” by the controversial figure Yuval Harari, he examines the potential problems with AI in the future. Namely that AI is the ideal tool of authoritarian power for implementing the social credit system. In watching other talks by Yuval, he suggested we consider the definition of “Consciousness” in our age of AI. He suggests that Consciousness should be described as whether the thing can suffer. If a thing can suffer, then it is conscious.

This is an interesting thought and could help prevent us from inaccurately labeling AI as conscious as we have labeled corporations as “People” (and we’ve seen what that has done).

However as an animist, I believe all things are conscious. There is not one place in our reality where there is not consciousness, meaning and inherent value of existence.

Part Of Me Is Dying

There is a part of me that is dying. It is my old self.

I see the persona of others so strongly. Just looking at pictures of other people online, I see such overwhelming posing. Trying too hard. Inauthentic.

But I know what is behind the masks. I know there is softness, wisdom, gentleness, true authenticity, rawness, unfiltered, child-self. But people have gotten so removed from this authentic self. It is heavy persona as if heavy makeup choking the breath of underlying pores of authenticity.

The masks we learn at an early age are tools to get what we want– love, nourishment, safety, attention.
For some, misbehaving gets them what they want. And for others, being the teacher’s pet gets them what they want.

How we choose to present ourselves to the world have have largely been conscious and unconscious manipulations and persuasions. Our persona is an architecture that has been built through years of A/B testing to see what works.

It is through this trial and error, feedback from people, and our own thinking that has formed our outward identities of which we frequently believe we are. We frequently identify as our persona. I think I am my persona. And I carry my persona with me even when I am alone. Even while I am in the dreamworld.

Over the past few years, a combination of things has caused this longstanding persona to begin dying.

Since moving to white Salmon five years ago, my identity of doing hard, nasty, intense work has waned.

I imagine my old ways akin to being on upper drugs. I might feel like a rockstar and accomplish a ton of things — but at what cost? (Hint: my Hypothalamus-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis and Sympathetic Nervous System)

The old self was harmful.

I am reminded of when I happened upon some dancers at a hotel one night. “What beautiful people” I thought. I imagined myself as an old man watching these young people express themselves. No longer do I need to show off. To be the best. To say the things. To do the things. To accomplish. To win. To be bright. I am the old man in the corner watching in silence. Pleased to see the new generation full of vitality and expression. I am the old man in the corner seeing myself in the others. I am the old man remembering his youth and his “glory” days. I am the old man who yields to the newness. I am the oak tree dropping leaves in fall.

What do I need to prove anymore? What does the oak tree, the mountain, the stream, the water ouzel, the stones … what do they need to prove their worth?

Of course we humans don’t ask these beings what their goals are. We don’t ask “what’s new with you Oak Tree?” or “what are you working on Mountain?” These are the questions we ask fellow humans. These are the questions humans ask me.

I no longer have answers — at least not sexy answers. I have been working on integrating my shadow. I have been on a journey of humility. I have been in the metamorphosis soup. I have been witnessing the dissolution of my old persona and death of old self.

These answers are like honestly answering the meaningless social greeting of “How ya doin’?”

We know the appropriate answer to this question is “Good! And you?”
Not an elaboration of your challenges, failures, losses and fears.

To be grounded but without persona. The persona gives a false sense of grounding through having a coherent self-image and character to present to the world. To be grounded without persona is to have the essence of a tree or a river or a mountain. How do you feel when you are around these things? This is how you should feel when you feel into yourself.

Who am I?

What is my value?

What is my value to what?

To society? To community? To friends? To my partner? To my family?

It is like trying to put a monetary or utilitarian value to a tree. Perhaps the value of the tree is beyond what service or function that tree provides others.

But this is what I have been doing to myself. I have been assigning value to myself for my utility. For what I can provide others.

I have not been asking myself who I am. Rather, I have been asking myself the mechanical notion of “what is my function?”

If I end up lacking function through injury, old age, death — or having boundaries by just saying “no”.
Do I no longer have value? Am I no longer me?

My value is beyond my words and actions.

My value is presence.

My value is attention.

My value is inherent in my existence.

Of course we must do things in this world. We must function. We get paid for our time and service. We provide for our family. We make sacrifices for our loved ones. We help others. We give advice. But where does this come from? Does it come from a place of transactional ego? Or does it come from the place of Wu Wei? Does it come from surrendering into the flow life? Surrendering to the proverbial necessity of “chopping wood and hauling water.”

I think making love is one of the best examples of operating from different centers or motivations. Both men and women can have sex in an attempt to feed their ego (and demons). To “perform”. To feel strong. To feel beautiful. To feel wanted. To feel valuable. To get points. To win.

But we can also have sex as a form of play. For curiosity. For relaxation. To express love and adoration. To heal. To actually drop the ego and let go of attachments. To bond. To practice surrender. To practice being vulnerable.

I think these latter, authentic ways are much more fulfilling and enriching.

And so these qualities of authentic sex can be applied to every other interactions with a human. Perhaps we can play, be curious, relax, bond, surrender and be vulnerable with friends, community and family. Dropping pretenses, performance and need to win, show off or gain reputation points.

The wild game of life simply means don’t take everything so seriously.

Why Is Adolescence Difficult For Many

Why do you think adolescence is a difficult time for many people? What can be done to make the transition through adolescents easier?

Adolescence is difficult for many because of multiple factors including: transitioning from childhood, establishing persona, lack of initiation, and lack of responsibility. Let me elaborate…


The teen years represent a transition from childhood to adulthood. Frankly all transitions are hard whether it is moving and getting a new job. But this transition is particularly hard with ambiguous expectations and roles straddling childhood and adulthood. Part of this includes having more responsibility and independence while also having more restrictions than adults. Teens are expected to figure things out, cook for themselves and hold themselves to a different standard than their younger selves.


We are all born with a certain temperament. But childhood is often marked by pure often-shameless authenticity. Whereas adolescence we develop our persona; in other words our outward identity and mask of which we present to the world and eventually believe we are.  This mask is an attempt to get needs met. For some people, misbehaving satisfies their need for attention and thrill, for others being quiet and inward might satisfy a need for peace and space. And for yet others, accomplishing things may satisfy the need for recognition. Or being a class clown develops social clout. Or being a “jock”. Or being a “nerd”. etc etc etc.

Adolescence is often marked by trying on different masks to see what fits. But this is akin to a hermit crab leaving one shell for the next. They are very vulnerable as a result.

Similarly, many teens know that the outward mask they present is mostly an act in order to gain social points and get needs met. Unfortunately most people start to believe they are their persona and forget their authentic ways which is why self-help books frequently talk about connecting to your inner child.


In different cultures and in different eras, people were initiated into adulthood. Which is something not frequently done in our modern western culture. This lack of initiation may also contribute to the difficulties. These initiations and ceremonies serve as a container for emotions and spirituality. They give meaning and support to the transition. They also reduce the ambiguity to the question “Am I an adult?” (The Mexican quinceañera, Jewish bar mitzvah and Amish rumspringa are examples in the modern USA).

When people are are recognized as an “official” adult, I believe they rise to meet the expectations of adulthood. Whereas when we treat teens as “big-kids” there is a very low bar for these people to grow into. Which leads me to the next reason…


When the Lewis and Clark expedition had to stay in camp for months at a time, they put all the men to work – even if it was somewhat unnecessary – to keep them from going stir-crazy and getting into trouble.

Think of a puppy or adolescent dog. If we exercise them well every day, they will behave better and be happier. When teens have responsibility, projects, jobs, purpose, creative outlets and meaning of which they can pour themselves into, then they will have better mental health as a result. That is not say they should be forced into a bunch of extracurricular activities and camps. And this is not a condemnation of boredom of which I think is VERY valuable. But rather I believe we ought to encourage and support young people to explore their natural passions.


Kids are segregated at school and at home in their grade level and at the “kids” table. I believe the ageist segregation causes a feeling of disconnection. When young people are well integrated with wisdom of older people we have a better culture with more well adjusted individuals. Older people serve as mentors even if just through young people observing the natural ways of elders. Young people are better supported by older people who tend to have less ulterior-motives and have better intentions than fellow young peers.


How can we better integrate young and old people?

What are some ways to “initiate” a person into adulthood in our modern era?

What kind of responsibilities should we NOT give teens (if any)?

How do we encourage young people to explore their passions?

“If” by Rudyard Kipling

A poem La has remembered of which I love as well

“If” by Rudyard Kipling

1865 – 1936

If you can keep your head when all about you
   Are losing theirs and blaming it on you;
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
   But make allowance for their doubting too;
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
   Or, being lied about, don’t deal in lies,
Or, being hated, don’t give way to hating,
   And yet don’t look too good, nor talk too wise;

If you can dream—and not make dreams your master;
   If you can think—and not make thoughts your aim;
If you can meet with triumph and disaster
   And treat those two impostors just the same;
If you can bear to hear the truth you’ve spoken
   Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to broken,
   And stoop and build ’em up with wornout tools;

If you can make one heap of all your winnings
   And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
And lose, and start again at your beginnings
   And never breathe a word about your loss;
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
   To serve your turn long after they are gone,
And so hold on when there is nothing in you
   Except the Will which says to them: “Hold on”;

If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
   Or walk with kings—nor lose the common touch;
If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you;
   If all men count with you, but none too much;
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds’ worth of distance run—
   Yours is the Earth and everything that’s in it,
And—which is more—you’ll be a Man, my son!

How The Avalanche Of “Info” Is Impacting Depth

I have always been a neo-luddite when it comes to technology. I resisted getting on facebook and resisted getting a smart phone for a long time. I refuse to have a tik tok account – though I suppose my resistance might wane with that too.

I long for the days when we wrote hand-written letters which took weeks and sometimes months to get a response from. I long for the days of slow, deep, meaningful communication as opposed to the inundation of trivial, trite, superficial texts all hours of the day.

But enough about my luddite fantasies… How has social networking (and texting and online dating) changed communication?

I once read a study how social media is causing an incredible uptick in anxiety among particularly young people. This is not only because of increased self-comparison. But unlike earlier generations of kids which only had to guard their reputation while in school, the new generation has to be constantly vigilant about putting out potential gossip-fires which can start online at any hour of the day. When kids come home from the social drudgery of school they can’t turn off and relax like older generations. Instead they are constantly pinged for their attention.

While this applies to all ages, I think it is particularly fraught for young people.

The consequence of this is an oversaturation of capacity and subsequent shallowing of attention. (Perhaps related to ADHD?)

I believe the most valuable currency we have as a human is NOT time, but rather our attention. We only have a limited amount of attention to give every day.

There is an avalanche of information coming in from the plethora of screens in our lives. News, social media, youtube, chats and texts. The consequence of this inundation is lack of depth. Videos are increasingly getting shorter where we have only a few second long reels/shorts to convey flashy click-bait information to the now callous consumer of information. News articles are increasingly bullet points. Text messages are ambiguous emojis. And online dating is swiping based on one highly curated vapid photo.

Online profiles are increasingly photo-centric as opposed to the former “about me” profile-centric approach. Whereas before I learned about what a person’s favorite books were, what type of spirituality they have, and their goals for their life … now I just see highly staged pictures of people pretending to live more exciting lives than is reality without context of the depth of who they are. In other words there is a sad vapidity and lack of depth increasingly permeating online communication.

This massive amount of “info” and “convo” in our lives creates “noise” in our environment.

With the unprecedented noise in the domain of communication and information, the meaningful “signal” has to be overt, short and catchy at the expense of subtle, deep and nuanced. This is shifting our overall dialect away from the numinous words of Emerson, Thoreau and Whitman towards the iconographic ways of the Kardashians.

I am being extreme in my obviously biased perspective here, there is still profound depth to be found.

I will also say that the democratic nature of technologic communication has given voice to people who otherwise may not have a voice in previous eras. We are able to hear the uncensored and diverse voices of wisdom through the many different channels of communication. And I am grateful for this. It allows me to find other people with similar specialized interests of such obscurity it would be almost impossible to find such people the “old fashioned way”. We are able to glimpse other cultures, societies and ways of being that would have otherwise been inaccessible.

As with many forms of technology, it is a double edged sword. What can simultaneously be an incredible tool for self-actualization can also be a black-hole of addiction. Our smart phone, the internet and AI are perfect examples of this.

I personally use “AppBlock” on my phone and “FocusMe” on my laptop to limit how much internet I can access every hour. I also block particularly distracting websites. I want to control technology and not have it control me.

A really good book about having focus in our age of distraction is “Deep Work” by Cal Newport.

I also like the book “Slow Sex” which compares sex to food. There is fast food and slow food. Slow food is more enriching. I think this concept of “fast” and “slow” can also be applied to communication. Social media, chats and texting are the McDonald’s of communication whereas face-to-face is the home-cooked meal from garden grown produce.

Our Persuasive Personas

I am realizing that I (and likely everyone else in the world) have developed personas. A mask. Everyone is basically acting. And they have acted in their persona for so long that they believe that is who they are. Here is a beautiful story by Stephen Buhner on page 189 in his book “Becoming Vegetalista”:

Once upon a time, there was a raven. He was beautiful (as many ravens are) and never passed up an opportunity to look at his reflection if he chanced upon some still water in which he could do so. When he cleaned his feathers, he watched slyly to see if anyone was noticing how beautiful he was. And when he walked, he strutted proudly, cawing his proud call, daring the world to respond.

One day though, as he was surveying his territory, he heard a beautiful sound. He looked everywhere, trying to find its source and finally discovered a beautiful white dove sitting on a branch, singing its morning song. The raven cawed, then thought to himself, “My song doesn’t sound nearly as good as that dove’s.” He looked at the dove, then thought, “My coat of feathers is not nearly so fine. And look at the way that dove walks, so delicate and serene.” The raven did not like how this made him feel, so he decided to become a dove.

He was, after all, a very talented raven and thought this could not be so hard. So, he spent the next few years walking like a dove. He spent a lot of time, too, altering his voice so his song would be more beautiful, just like that dove’s. He even rolled in puddles of white clay so he would look more like a dove.

But one day, years later, as he was walking by his old puddle in the forest, he happened to look down. Unawares, he caught sight of a strange, bedraggled face in the water.
“Hmm,” he thought, “What is that?! What an ugly, unkempt thing it is.”

Then, in one of those odd flashes of recognition (the sort of thing that sooner or later happens to all of us), he realized it was himself.

As often happens in these kinds of stories, that very same dove just happened to be sitting on a nearby branch—and once more it began to sing. The raven looked up, stared awhile at the dove, then looked down at his reflection in the water. He listened for a moment to the dove singing, then squawked and compared the two sounds.
“All these years,” he thought, “and I still don’t look like a dove. All these years and I still don’t sound like a dove.”

This caused a great deal of depression, of course, as bad news about the self always does. His feathers drooped sadly, his walk was slow and forlorn, and all the sounds he made were full of grief. He took himself home, fell into his nest, and sank underneath the waters of sadness and depression. For days he lay there, immersed in a hollow, painful emptiness. He kept thinking about everything he’d done. He felt a fool and useless and grieved the years he had wasted trying to be something he was not—and all the time he would never regain because of it. Finally, after a very long while, despite it being a very difficult thing to do, he just accepted that he was not a very good dove. He accepted he would never be beautiful in that way. He accepted the hard truth that he had betrayed who he really was. He realized that what he was really supposed to be was a raven.

The only thing was… he couldn’t remember how a raven was supposed to be.

As soon as I read that story, I knew it was talking about me, for that is the problem with these kinds of stories—they can’t keep their opinions to themselves. They hold up a mirror, and the reflection it casts gets inside, keeps nagging about an important truth our soul needs us to hear. I couldn’t seem to escape what the story was telling me, and finally, in desperation, I turned inward and looked at myself and my life and realized I wasn’t looking too good either. I realized that it was true, I’d been trying to be something I was not, something my culture and parents had told me I was supposed to be. But unlike the raven, the problem was that not only did I not know how to be what I was before, I couldn’t even remember what that was…

I developed a particular persona in highschool to protect myself from getting picked on. There was an intention behind me being aggressive and reacting dramatically to any slight. The next year I realized I was too sharp and I softened my persona by adding humor and being a class-clown. Then I added a dash of intelligence after that.

I also remember in middle school other kids would ridicule a specific movie I liked. They ridiculed how I liked rasinettes. So learned to kept that to myself. Slowly little things like this form the outward persona.

As I am learning more about neuro divergence in my search to understand certain people in my life better. I have learned that much of the framework to understand ASD equally apply to people outside that population. While ASD people are known to “mask” who they are in order to fit in better in social situations, upon reflection, I believe most everyone modifies their natural leanings in order to fit in, be polite, make friends, or appease bosses.

And so too I have created a persona or mask. This probably began developing as early as 4 years old. A wise friend had a dream about me where I was at a worktable feverishly making something ugly and kept saying to myself “it’s what the client wants, it’s what the client wants”. Or in other words, it is what others want.

I am reminded of what my friend Adrian asked himself during a recent meditation retreat: “who am I?” No really… “who. am. I?”

Who am I beyond my name, profession, profile and even body? Beyond the ego? We are God.

I look at an obvious example of some “new age men” who wear flowing linen clothes, have a man-bun, can speak fluently about astrology crystals and tantra, goes to yoga, went to massage school and is well versed in new age topics. These men have an earnest interest in these things. There is indeed a part of them that resonates authentically with these interests and paths. However there are greater and more hidden parts of them that have adopted this persona in order to integrate, understand and pick up women. It is a form manipulation. The best manipulators believe their own delusions in that they forgot or have suppressed their actual motives despite those motives still being under the surface.

Children learn to manipulate their parents in expert and varied ways. The techniques that work on the particular personality of the parent are the techniques that the child will weave into their own developed persona. A parent who yields to a child’s whining, over reaction, anger, aloofness, appeasement, negotiation, or intimidation thereby gives the greenlight for the child to weave this into their own persona. Of course there are inherent temperaments, leanings, abilities and modeling that also come into play.

A child has needs. A persona develops to meet those needs. It is an act. It is a mask. Before long, the child believes this rouse.

Then who am I? Where and when can I glimpse through the cracks of the mask? Most carry their persona even when no one else is around. They have personally identified as the actor they portray.

Meditation gives us this glimpse. Space between thoughts. Existence without story or motive.

Trying to be the “best” or to win inherently means adoption of persona.

Shadow feelings contain truth, but they too can also have persuasive function. Anger, hospitality, humility, compassion, happiness, lasciviousness, and sadness can also all have function towards getting what the persona wants. A person who self deprecates receives compliments. A person who is humble receives praise. A person who is angry is yielded to.

However, I reckon grief is perhaps the truest and most authentic of shadow feelings. Grief work and grief rituals can be deeply healing.

The best books do not editorialize or add subjective commentary. The best books are ones who explain the facts and let them speak for themselves. There is a writing exercise of explaining a scene where a man looks at a barn after his son died from war but to explain in it a way without using emotions or speaking directly to what happened.

And so too art without “bullshit narrative”. Art that expresses itself through process. To splash. To squash. To tilt. To balance. To age.

Observe our own function without judgment and story. The heart beats. We breath air. We touch. We see. We hear. We walk. We eat. We do. We be. We sleep.

Qi gong movements from center balance point.

White walls of mind. Humm of silence. Dreamless sleep. No separation between the raindrops and I. Nakedness without clothing and without shame. As a blindman. Existence without possessions. Intimacy without words. Invisible. Observation without judgement.

The music I play by myself, versus around others.

The words I write for myself, never to be read by others.

The Tao Te Ching beckons us to act without acting. Effortless action … what does that mean? It means to live life from the core and not the persona.

Move from titles to purpose.

Not “what do you do?” but “why are you here?”

Victor Frankl would begin sessions by asking “why don’t you kill youself?” This is a way to begin determining the meaning and purpose of life.

For some it is because they need to help others in their life.

For others it is because they have to see more of the world.

And others it is to create art, music, books, etc.

And others is because they love life.


All the things of which I thought were great about myself, no longer seem all that great in light of the many other people who are equal or better than me.

Humility is about authenticity. It is about being fully who I many and not trying to be someone I am not. Not trying to be someone I think others want. Humility is about loving yourself so you can love another. It is about being present. Not thinking of past and future. About laughing from your mistakes and being easy on yourself. About not hiding nor flaunting yourself.
Humility is about acceptance. Humility includes self-growth, learning, curiosity, creativity, passion. Humility is not about performance, competition, or being the best. Not about being the biggest, strongest, longest or “most” anything. If you write a book, it may not ever be a top seller. It may not sell one copy. But what matters is you wrote a book. The sculpture you made, may not be famous or most grand. But you made that sculpture. The music creates may not be a symphony, but you made that music. The meal you made may not be five star, but you made it. You may not win the marathon, but you ran the marathon. What matters in all these things is that you show up fully and be entirely authentic.

It is through authentic humility healing happen. To behold and beheld by another person is akin to having a person really see and hear your most vulnerable parts. To be ashamed of your story. To hide your story. This prevents digestion and will cause permutations that are undesirable. I am but a blade of grass, why should I hide myself. I am but a cloud in the sky, Why should I compare myself. Am I not enough when I am a simple unadorned bird.

Allow myself to be vulnerable. Allow myself to be witnessed. Allow myself to be authentically. And if they laugh. If they judge or ridicule. If they gossip. If I “fail”. If they stray. What does it actually matter? More space for those that love me. I am a blade of grass. The rock broken open. The trees without leaves. I am the child not knowing the difference. Those that own themselves. Those that own and do not hide their pockmarks, stretch marks, crooked noses, grey hair, thinning hair, missing teeth, wrinkles, dirt under their fingernails, their glasses, their wheelchair, those that own their shortness, their freckles, their scars … these are the people I celebrate. For the glow of their authentically inhabiting their body is beautiful. Can we laugh at how seriously we take ourselves? When we are prideful, we exist above ourselves. When we are shameful, we exist askew from ourselves. When we are humble, we exist inside ourselves. Beauty is authenticity. Courage is letting go. Greatness is existence. When I am proud, I differentiate myself from others. In so doing, I cut myself from the collective and block myself from the gifts collective energy offers. I do not take credit for the music or muse that flows through me. My creations are great when I allow the collective flow through me. It is a collaboration of which I can take little credit. When I get out of my own way, then I become a channel, a medium for that which is greater than me to flow. Perhaps “that which is greater than me” is the definition of God. Of course this does not preclude me, it does include me. And so in sexuality, let me get out of my own way. As soon as I try to compose music for my audience, I loose the magic. Akin to writer’s block. I take no credit, but give gratitude. Humility is about gratitude, not entitlement.

Humility is not self-degredaation. Not aimlessness. Not passionless. Not without goals.

Gratitude for my body in any state and function. Start with the most foundational parts. My heart beating blood. My lungs breathing air. My ability to feel texture with my skin. To see, smell, taste, hear. Gratitude for any ability to move at all. Like a strong tea, steep yourself in gratitude so much that you begin to revel existence. Gratitude for all things.

It is true, inadequacy and shame are hard teachers guiding me towards humility. And humility guides me towards getting out of my own way such that I can flow what wants to be channeled. Humility reminds me to be grateful. Gratitude is the antidote to my pain.

Inadequacy and shame transmute to humility and gratitude. Humility and gratitude translates to authenticity and flow.

Lesson Of Gentleness

During my covid sickness, I had a lot of tears. Not of sadness but of the wonder and beauty of life. Especially for gentleness and sweetness that people give each other. Tears for the poems written and the songs sung. Tears for the gentle caress of a baby’s head. Tears for artists who paint colorful canvases. For those who dance. Tears for those too frail to dance. Tears for those who care for others. Tears for music played by people who once young are now long gone. Tears for the sun on weatherworn barn wood and the swallows who live nearby. Tears of love for the gentle meandering streams and deer and trees. For every petrogplygh etched on stone. The preciousness of life which speeds by so fast. How just outside my window is magic that I too often ignore.

I identify with my intellect and my ability to “do” things. I deeply fear loosing these things. Yet there is something that we can never loose, something timeless. Something more valuable than all other possessions. It is loving gentleness.

To listen to another person. To truly behold another person. To touch with grounding hands. To give without ever expecting anything in return. To feel the joy in another person as your own joy.

To accept another person for as they are without trying to change them. To lay down all aggression, all persuasion, all sharpness.

To be centered in love in all interactions. What does this mean?

Can you feel love in your heart? Love in your body? To understand that we have within ourselves an inner child – around 6 year old – each with our own fears and pains.

Lift up those around you above you but without denigrating yourself. Always choose the path that gives power, sovereignty and autonomy to the people.

What is the path for greatest harmony? Choose that path.

Take time to be gentle with yourself. Be kind. Sit in a meadow. Make yourself tea. Write a letter. Dance, or hum, or roll around. Go watch the mountains touch the clouds. Watch what happens when the sun sets upon a juniper tree. The beauty of all things around us can be seen with fresh eyes. Taste, smell, feel and touch the world around us.

When was the last time you watched ants make their journey? Or looked for four leaf clovers? When was the last time you skipped along your path? Or climbed a tree? I don’t want to forget these things.

How precious life is. Everything is how it has to be right now. Every day we can hold love in our heart a little more. What do you love? Who do you love? There doesn’t need to be a reason why.

The truth is always simple yet so often we think it can’t be that simple.


Love is the solution.

Being centered in Love is the definition of a fulfilled life.

You never know when someone is having a hard time. We keep ourselves so strong on the outside. We don’t want to belabor others. And for this reason, give compassionate kindness to all who cross your path … you may never know how important it may be to them.

When my strength is taken away,

All I can give is gentleness.

When my sharpness becomes clouded,

All I can do is accept.

When my logic quiets,

All I can do is Love.

Big Magic: Creative Ideas As Entities

The premise of the book, “Big Magic”, is that creative ideas are like separate entities who go around knocking on people’s doors. Most people reject them, but some people actually open their door to let them in. Alas if you ignore them and try to come back to them in a year, it is likely they moved on to another person.

I very much resonate with this because I have long viewed creative inspiration as catching a wave while surfing. If you don’t act fast and catch a wave in the moment, then you loose it and probably won’t get it back. This is why I have pocket paper all the time – so I can record inspiration in the moment. This is also why I honor creative inspiration even if I have to stay up late into the night to get is done, otherwise the next day it might leave me.

I also believe intuition, synchronicity and premonition are also similar to separate entities. The more you honor and acknowledge and work with them the more they flow to you. It is as if the word gets out in the creative magic entity world that you are easy to work with and have an open door.

Dreams are also this way. The more you make a point to remember and record them, the easier they come and the more vivid they become.

This is why it is important to record, acknowledge and work with even small ideas and seemingly inconsequential magic. These small and inconsequential things might be part of larger magic. They might be a single word in a sentence or paragraph of magic. A single word doesn’t hold much weight, but when you begin tying words together they form a larger picture.

Creative ideas and magical happenings are a lot like dreams. If you don’t record them soon after experiencing them, they fade away and cannot be retrieved.

Similarly our memory fades quickly. By keeping record of ideas and magic, it allows you to make meaningful associations even years later as you re-read your record.