Verbal Communication Obscures

Verbal communication obscures more subtle forms of communication.

Verbal communication is the primary expression of ego and non-authentic masks we have adapted.

It categorizes and therefore reduces wisdom of knowing.

It creates opening for others to bullshit, manipulate, and disempower you.

It creates opportunities for miscommunication.

It shuts down emotion, intuition and sensuality.

It distracts from the beauty and medicine of listening and observation.

Hypnagogic Meditation About Afterlife Through Osmotic Effect

I just got done hanging with friends around a campfire on their land. Yesterday I wrote extensively about the magical alignments which led me to where I am now. I am existing in some of most profound magic I have ever experienced in life. I ended up telling them my story including all the way back to my first relationship – something I haven’t spoken about for a long time. My memory has begun to fade about the experience. By the end of the multi-hour long story, I had tears. Very grateful for the compassionate listening and space they provided. On the way back a river of dozens of deer (possibly elk) streamed in front of us. It was confirmation of magic as the mostly full moon shone brightly.

While taking a shower around 1am at the workshop, I entered hypnagogia…

I have become a bit underweight and as I felt my face and forehead with my hands I saw my skull from an outsider looking at my “dead” body. I saw my entire skeleton – the last physical remnant to remain after death.

I think / feel about the experience of death. How when transitioning there is so much Love. At the end of life you realize just how much you Love everyone and everything. And they realize how much they Love you. Oh how our Love for life is too often taken for granted.

And the pain people feel after passing. Your shared experience and Love turns to pain from the loss of it. Does that mean we shouldn’t have had shared experience and Love in order to avoid pain? No!

We could live life in complete isolation with no connection and spare people the pain of loosing you. But that is unfulfilling and other people and the world at large would miss the shared experience they could have had with you.

I think about some of the muses in my life and how I resist romance and sensuality with them out of feat of hurting them. There is also the problem with being locked up through commitment or presence of attention such that I cannot give Love to the many other people currently in my life and those not yet arrived.

Even if there is no afterlife or unmanifested etheric consciousness, our existence lives on through the positive influence our mere existence has on other people in rippling effect.

People have emulated my style, dance, self-expression, pocket paper. They have been subtly influenced through osmosis to have respect for Nature, to express their creativity, to listen, to be gentle, to see magic and so many other things I will never know. I inspired / reminded / empowered / evolved / created / manifested in other people through my mere existence and expression.

Thus it is important to take care to be gentle and kind. To cause as much healing as possible so that when I die, my progeny lives on through the souls of people I have “touched” and souls that touch their souls.

This is an afterlife I know exists. For some people they will have kids. For others they will invent new things or litigate on behalf of those without voice. But we all leave a mark on the entire world with every word we speak (or not) and every action we do (or not).

Even if we lived for 120 years … or 1,200 years … life is short. Even as a supposed young person, I see the sand of time slip through my fingers with such increasing haste I no longer fear the inevitable.

Lomatium – which I have been taking – has been powerful medicine. It has magically entered my life in such alignment. It has shifted my perception to witness and exist in the most profound magic. I fear I cannot go back. I exist as a new way of being.

Today is day two of an entire body rash caused by Lomatium. It is said this is a one time rash which is a detox as the skin rids itself of waste and dead viruses and fungus. It is also a detox and ridding the body of negative emotions, stagnation, blocks and trauma … I feel it has revealed the incredible path that destiny guides me to.

Life is short.

We live through the progeny of the effect we have on other beings through our existence.

A log on the fire lights another log and in turn another. Not long after, the original log is only ashes, but it’s fire still exists.

Every one of us is the first log. And when we are ashes, our fire still burns.

Chinese Story Of Neither Good nor Bad


Here is a great Taoist story explaining how — in the great complexity of nature and reality — the judgements we make as to whether something is good or bad are often only true for a fleeting moment. In the grand scheme of things there is neither good nor bad. Things just are. 

Once upon a time there was a Chinese farmer whose horse ran away. That evening, all of his neighbors came around to commiserate. They said, “We are so sorry to hear your horse has run away. This is most unfortunate.” The farmer said, “Maybe.” The next day the horse came back bringing seven wild horses with it, and in the evening everybody came back and said, “Oh, isn’t that lucky. What a great turn of events. You now have eight horses!” The farmer again said, “Maybe.” The following day his son tried to break one of the horses, and while riding it, he was thrown and broke his leg. The neighbors then said, “Oh dear, that’s too bad,” and the farmer responded, “Maybe.” The next day the conscription officers came around to conscript people into the army, and they rejected his son because he had a broken leg. Again all the neighbors came around and said, “Isn’t that great!” Again, he said, “Maybe.”

The farmer steadfastly refrained from thinking of things in terms of gain or loss, advantage or disadvantage, because one never knows… In fact we never really know whether an event is fortune or misfortune, we only know our ever-changing reactions to ever-changing events.

“When It Will Be Silent” Short Film Review


A short film by Dan Sachar covering powerful archetypes which will bring tears to all but the coldest eyes.

Poetry could be described as art focusing on that which is not said. Or in other words “reading between the lines”.

This video perfectly fits that definition.

Filmed in sepia almost to the point of black and white. A dead landscape showing what is oil or blood dripping down a heart symbol drawn on a wall. Puddling near a dead bird with feathers being blown by the wind. A broken bridge. A man in a truck wearing a gas mask. Drudgingly digs a hole in the dust. He pulls out the body of a woman draped in white from the back of the truck wearing a wedding ring. Of skin blistered with chemical burns. The mask wearing man carries her down the valley of the broken bridge and into the hole he dug. He lays next to her and takes off his mask, looks at the corpse of the young woman and dies next to her from what we assume is a toxic air. The video ends with oil or blood dripping down a heart drawn on a limestone wall. Soberly melancholic as it brings up the ancient archetype of love, loss and grief with and an unspoken undertone of environmentalism. 

When it Will Be Silent (כשיהיה דומם) from Dan Sachar on Vimeo.

The Problem With Search Engines


With search engines, I often tell people to “ask yourself before you consult search engines or external resources…”

While search engines allow us to research things and find inspiration; It is also causes us to no longer ask ourselves what we think and feel about a subject when we have the lazy way of just searching answers online. Too often we no longer think for ourselves but instead ask google. There are two negative potentials here.

Number one is the fact that google can control what you see and what you don’t see. This is centralized control of information. If you ask a search engine a question about genetically modified foods or global warming, your opinion can be based on what the computer shows you whether they are ads, page rank or mere omission.

The second is it often robs people the preciousness of creative critical thinking. You no longer have to think up an answer to your question when you can just search for it via google (or other search engines). But what if new answers would be discovered in the laboratories of our minds if people only thought for themselves? More often than not, search queries yield results from lay people on forums whom often know nothing more than I do or are repeating fictitious misconceptions. This also results in the development of echo-chambers whereby we get increasing polarization of view points through positive feedback loops which do not happen in libraries and book stores.

The old-fashioned way of learning things through other people, books, magazines and our own thinking allows us to be exposed to more varied and experiential view points.

Of course this comes from me … a person who built their own tiny-house version of a library … but I digress.

Vitamin C and Earthing. Are They Connected?


I recently read the book “Curing the Incurable: Vitamin C, Infectious Diseases and Toxins” by Thomas Levy and learned about the electron theory of health. Basically disease and inflammation is a result of a lack of electrons. Oxidation and inflammation consume electrons. Anti-oxidants give electrons. Most other animals produce their own vitamin C naturally, but humans do not so we are particularly susceptible to deficiency. While there are many different anti-oxidants out there, vitamin C is particularly good because it goes throughout the entire body whereas other anti-oxidants tend to focus on specific systems. We can only orally absorb 8-12 grams of vitamin C a day. However, intravenous vitamin C allows for substantially more uptake. Many scientific studies prove that intravenous vitamin C injections have healed people from the brink of death. It has been shown to cure polio, ebola, heavy metal poisoning, mushroom poisoning, snake bites, etc. It is truly a miracle substance at high doses (Sometimes 50 gram infusions). However it can be difficult to find clinics outside of big-cities to administer through this route. The good news is they now have “liposomal vitamin C” which is a nutraceutical that encapsulates vitamin C particles at a nano level with a phospholipid layer.. This modified version of vitamin C allows unprecedented oral uptake of vitamin C approaching intravenous levels and with no intake threshold. It is said that Liv-On brand liposomal vitamin C is the superior form whereas others are mostly a vitamin C emulsion with a small amount of true liposomal C.  It is very expensive though at over $1 a gram.

After learning about the panacea of vitamin C, I listened to a book about grounding called “Earthing. The Most Important Health Discover Ever?” by Clint Ober where he talked about how contact with Earth allows us to absorb free electrons. The 100 lightning strikes every second on the planet splits atmospheric atoms into positive and negative ions where the positive ozone goes upward and the negative electrons go downward thus creating a collection of free electrons on the surface of the Earth as if a battery. When I heard this, I made the mental connection that Earthing is similar to having a transfusion of vitamin C.

Unlike vitamin C, Earthing is free.

Before I learned about these two critical keys to health, I was getting sick every three months. Once I started using an earthing pad my frequency of getting a cold went down to one a year. Then I found that if I took 4 to 6 grams a day of liposomal vitamin C for three to four days at the earliest signs of a sore throat I have never gotten sick again. Health is wealth and learning the keys to wellness before dis-ease strikes is critical to living a good life.

Can Math Explain The Truth Of Existence?


1+4=5 and 2+3=5

Different variables leading to the same result is a beautiful concept. But even this mathematical and concrete concept fails to truly represent the truth of our existence.

Many left brain people think math is the ultimate truth. That math explains the universe. That zeros and ones are the ultimate truth. But my response to those people is what about the space between the zeros and ones?

In meditations, I have explored the language of math and was reminded that it is woefully inept in explaining the truth of existence.
Can our consciousness be explained by an equation or numbers? No! Our universe is governed by concepts of infinity. The past and future are infinitely expansive. The present now is infinitely small. Black holes are infinitely dense. The connection in quantum entanglement is infinitely fast. Math cannot handle infinity because math is governed my limitation and hard edges. If anything, fractal geometry is the closest thing that math has to explain the truth. But regardless, math is simply a signpost pointing towards the truth; but it is not the truth nor reality.

Furthermore, math is defined by certain definitions that we humans deem as true. For example, the speed of light was once a different number back in the 1930’s. And even now, they think the speed of light is no longer a definite answer.

Whenever you think you have the singular answer or are a master,
you have fooled yourself. Some questions are worthy of pursuit but will never be fully answered.