Turn The Page

Life is a book,

don’t judge by the cover.

But first impressions are real.

Some are glossy and colorful.

Those are the new ones.

Some are mis-printed and self-published.

Some are old and dusty.

Some are embellished with gold and jewels.

Some are newsprint and others are parchment.

Some are leather. Some are vegan.

And some don’t care.

All in the library of collective universe.

Some fat, long and verbose.

Others short and simple.

They will all be born again as the next in series.

Chapters as eras in our own life.

The childhood, teen, young adult, adult, older adult, and wise one all leading to the next.

Pages as Earth rotates around Earth and as Sun rotates around Earth.

You cannot turn the page until this one is written.

Have patience.

The best stories take time.

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