About Symbolism

The power of symbolism is a potent language and gives purpose to my being an artist. Symbols speak directly to the sub-conscious and are instantaneous. In manifestation work, sigils are preferable to word phrases because of this instantaneous and sub-conscious effect.

It also reminds me of gestalt psychology. Simply explained, when we see something like a tree, we know it instantaneously, we do not need to parse that it is green, with bark and branches and leaves, and is growing upright and THEN figure that it is a tree. We know it instantly. When we see another human being, we don’t need to think “there is the right width to height ratio tolerance, there is an oblong orb with eyes, nose, ears, lips, hair (or maybe no hair), there are some legs and arms … I think that is a human right there because of all this informational data”. NO!!! This shows the power of the subconscious ability to instantly know something without having to go through lengthy deduction and parsing of data.

Back to sigils…
Symbols debatably have no power until you program them with personal meaning. When you draw your own sigil, you put intention, emotion and thought behind it. Everytime you engage with it, you repeat these feelings and thoughts. Eventually when you look at or visualize your symbol, it manifests these feeling naturally.

Another example … the swastika symbol used to be a sacred symbol of Native Americans but is now the symbol of Nazis. This illustrates how our conditional programming can change the original meaning.

As a a side tangent, one can also say there is a collective unconscious element to symbolism. Where there is an innate understanding of symbols that transcend our individual lifetime’s programming. A baby seeking a nipple for nourishment is an example of this inherent knowing. Many animals have a natural knowing for what plants to eat without being trained. There is often an instinctual element to symbolism.

Thus our understanding of symbolism is a combination of consciousness, sub-consciousness, and the collective unconscious.

What symbols are you drawn to?

Pondering Of Consciousness


A person I know recently lost a loved one which caused me to ponder the meaning of life and definition of consciousness. While I am certainly not qualified to describe any of it with authority, I want to provide a few humble thoughts.

If we look at quantum physics, we see within every atom are quarks and within every quark are vibrating strings of energy. At this level, everything is the same. Everything is one. Perhaps this explains the phenomenon of quantum entanglement where when we separate something the parts remain mysteriously connected; what happens to one affects the other instantaneously. We also see that two lovers or a parent and child separated by walls and distance remain connected. When they create a physiological reaction in one person by showing images, the other person reflects the physical reaction even when they are not seeing any images or their partner.

In essence, there is something that connects us all together; perhaps this is what some people call “God”. There is a realm that exists of which we cannot see, touch or measure.

I am reminded of a wonderful metaphor for life…..
We start from a river. Our life, as we know it, begins when we pass over a waterfall and see ourselves as separate little drops of water floating down until we reach the end of the waterfall and once again join the mighty river.

The Sublimity Of Poetry


But now I see
it is the closest human language can come
to the language of nature and emotion.

Like an abstract painting
you project your own subjective experience.

Good poetry causes a resonant familiarity
and subtle knowing
interwoven with the blood of emotion.

Despite the seeming chaos of abstract painting,
ecstatic dance and abstruse poetry;
there is still an art to creating aesthetic composition.

Waves Of Positivity By Expressing The Beauty We See


I believe in giving people authentic genuine compliments/validation. I believe in listening to people and encouraging people to talk about emotions. I am a very curious person and love to hear people’s stories.

Over the years, I have found that compliments I have personally received have been like fuel to a fire of motivation and personal expansion. I want to give others that fuel. I want to inspire others to be confident, to be happy, to be passionate, to be uplifted, to be optimistic, to live life to it’s fullest. I try to see the best in everyone and I want to mirror back the positives. As happiness increases, waves of positivity spread.

I think about funerals and how people from far and wide come together and say all the reasons they loved that person. Incidentally, I think it is a shame that the passed person could not hear their praise. That they could not hear the positive thoughts other’s had internally but never expressed.

One of the things that gives me great joy is seeing people raise their confidence, their self-respect, their aspirations, their optimism. For people to be true to themselves.

Of course there are many false compliments (aka flattery) that veil ulterior motives and that is unfortunate. But I believe sincere and authentic compliments can be distinguished with awareness.

I only give compliments with honesty, authenticity, and integrity.

Here is a great video I found many years ago that’s guaranteed to put a smile on your face…

Quantum Mechanics


The two most consequential things in the science of quantum mechanics begin to confirm what the oldest ancestors have always intuitively known.

#1 Quantum entanglement – when something has interacted with another and those two things are seemingly physically separated they are still quantumly connected. This was shown when when they split an atom and sending one part go in one direction and the other part in the opposite direction in a tunnel. When these two particles are kilometers apart, they changed the spin of one and the other simultaneously changed spin even though they were no longer connected. The physical implications is the proof that we can feel what other people are thinking and feeling at a distance … especially loved ones.
The “Intention Experiment” describes a study where they separated either a parent and child or two lovers in different rooms. They hooked up physiological sensors to measure heart rate, breath cadence and skin temperature. Then they showed a variety of images to one of them while the other sits in a blank room. Some of these images created an emotional reaction and it was found that the other person in isolation had a similar physical response as the person witnessing the stimulus. Evidence of interconnection and synchronicity. Perhaps Quantum Entanglement is the mechanism of action…

#2 The Double Slit Experiment – Researchers shot individual particles through two slits where each particle “chooses” either one door or the other. When this is done with photons in a laser beam we see two lines on a back screen beyond the double slit wall showing that each particle went through either one slit of the other. However when not observed the particles create an interference pattern on the back screen. An interference pattern indicates a wave traveling through both slits at the same time. Thus all potentials exist until someone observes it. As soon as a human witnesses or thinks something then a single reality results. Without observation, things exist as waves. With observation, things exist as solid particles. The implications of this means that the human consciousness has a direct effect on our reality. Giving gravity to the question: Does a tree fall in a forest if there is no-one there to see it?



Synopsis Of The Meaning Of Life According To Different Philsophies


What is the meaning of life?
This is a question I have asked many people but where I seldom get satisfactory answers. Instead I have found insightful answers from various schools of philosophy. Here is a synopsis of what I’ve found:

  • Plato-attaining highest form of knowledge
  • Aristotle-pursuit of happiness, well-being, flourishing, and excellence
  • Cynicism-self-sufficient and mastering of one’s mental attitude; suffering is caused by false judgments dictated by society.
  • Cyrenaicism-hedonistic pleasure
  • Epicureanism-modest pleasure
  • Stoicism-reason; logic; natural law; free from anger, envy, and jealousy
  • Kantianism-do that which could be practiced universally
  • Utilitarianism-greatest happiness to the greatest amount of people
  • Marxism-to serve each other as equals
  • Nihilism-nothing
  • Existentialism-each person creates their own essence (meaning) of their life. Existence precedes essence. A man is defined insofar as he acts and that he is responsible for his actions. The world is absurd. You exist then you define yourself; not the other way around.
  • Absurdism-man desires order, meaning, and purpose to life, but the universe is meaningless. Three ways to resolve this dilemma: Suicide, Religion (philosophical suicide), or accept the absurd.
  • Secular Humanismthe question of meaning of life evaporates if one is fully engaged in life. The question then morphs into more specific worries such as “What delusions am I under?”, “What is blocking my ability to enjoy things?”
  • Naturalistic Pantheism (Spiritual Naturalism)to care for and look after  nature and the environment
  • Instinctivism-to reproduce
  • Theistic Religionto serve god; afterlife
  • Buddhism-end suffering by detachment of cravings and materialistic things;
  • Taoism-introspection; self-realization
  • Confucianism-reason, relationships, and minimization of negative energy