




Let me be.

Let me be free.

Let me be me.

I can only love deeply.

There is no other way for me but to Love physically, emotionally, spiritually, logically.


I Love the soul.

I Love a person forever.

And they become a part of my story.

But I do not create expectations.

My intention is to uplift, inspire, heal, explore, create, Love.

My intention is to be.


But no expectations.

I do not dwell in past.

I do not dwell in future.

I exist here and now.

I am a wild animal.

Who cannot be constrained.

For as much as I walk fast

and talk fast.

For as much as I’m a man of action.

I move slowly.

Developing growth rings like a strong tree.

I care about you for your essence.

But I cannot deny the present.

A polarity of steady roots growing deeper as the moon changes phase and Earth spins round.

Yet spontaneous green growth like spring flowers who live for today.

To take a step on grass ultimately kills other beings.

Do we not take any steps for fear of causing pain?

Existence is a gamble.

But it is always worthwhile.

The pleasant times are precious.

The challenging times are lessons.

I am grateful for all experience.

It is what I signed up for before I was born.

Let me walk gently.

Let me be silent.

I want to see the faintest candle in the distance.

I want to hear the softest bird high upon a tree.

I want to smell the medicine I’m surrounded by.

I want to touch in way that is felt without movement.

I live for the sensual existence of observation.

The magical reality of which I live.

I’ve waited so long underground to live aboveground.

Just like the dormant seed or the mycelium.

I have no motives.


The human power on Earth is symbols. Finding and creating meaning from otherwise ether.

Symbols of line and dots upon paper or drawn in sand.

Symbols as the V of birds migrating among the evolving clouds of lions, elephants and ancestors.

Symbols as reminders and resonance. The music which conjures a feeling or speaks what cannot otherwise be said.

Symbols and sigils. Gestalts that bypass our logic and enter the limbic realm of the reticular activating system of manifestation.

Symbols written in gold upon our consciousness through intention, ritual and experience.

Symbols of dreams and what they mean.

Sy7mbols of alignment to remind us we are on the right path.

The animal upon our path.

The flower in bloom.

The electrical touch of Love.

Mystery. The collective attachment to a triangle.

An eye. A tree. A scull.

Words and what they categorize.

Words are spells.

Symbols are spell.

Art and story manifest reality.





Roots growing down

into the ground.

I am free

like the tree.

In love with flowers.

With rain.

It gives me power

to overcome pain.

Under the full moon

with its light shown

that I am not alone.

Into the night I walk

there is no need to talk.

I am the fox

I am the phlox

My hair in locks

is an antenna

of reception and transmission.

It does not matter the situation.

What matters is the vibration.

Takes time

to lend (tend) what is mine

to mend.

My own mind.

To Love

like a dove.

My heart flutters

My eyes open

My hands are gentle.

The bark of trees

speaks language.

Like curves of hills

Fish with their gills

The ocean

is a potion.


Bird for 7 Minutes

Bird. I am the bird in the sky flying high. My name is Joe, I am the crow to whom I say hello. Only with flow, I am the mountain river which provides rejuvenating shivers. I am the beaver building early in the morning. The wind provides loft to the wings as I dance and sing to the ancient rhythm which is all or our own birthright. I can feel it in my heartbeat, my footsteps and my breath. The cycles of moon and earth and sun. The pulsation of flowers opening to receive morning dew drops. The fluidity of the tectonic plates creating new land. Of supernovas and distant galaxies. I see the wisdom of my cousins, the birds. They know what’s going on from their perspective atop the trees. Oh the trees swaying in the wind. Can you hear the whispers? To stand still.

Primordial Nature

Written at night during hypnagogic weariness upstairs at workshop while listening to primordial nature sounds.

Circles and spirals outward to infinity.


I am born

every moment

is life and death.

Fluid change.

Ebb and flow.

To be free.

All things and all experience

I am transparent.

I am smoke and fire.

The rain drop and the ocean.

The birds and trees.

I am vibrations and emotion.

I am clouds and ether.

I am music and poetry.

I am footsteps.


Heart beat


The wind whispers wisdom of now.

Beauty and magic.

I exist in flow.

I am here to create.

Clear channel.

Let me be free of all attachments

I accept all.

Birth every moment into sensual existence.

The stem cells of infinite possibility.


the language of dance.

I taste the medicine of orange in Spring.

I am the spring growth.

I am all seasons.

I let go

I let go

I let go.

And I drift away.

Primordial lava from center of Earth

Creates a new me.

And for that I am grateful.

Time. What is time?

Everything exists right now.


Let it flow.


Whole healing.

The body follows the mind.

The mind follows the body.

Every part is whole.

Black holes and super-novas

the creation of new realities.

The black crow flies in the sky surrounded by purple clouds of time and space.

Spirals of contrast

all colors and black and white.

I am receptive to everything.

Let there be gentleness and compassion.

Let me play with curiosity.

Don’t judge.


Love all.


Love without fear.

Without attachment.

Without future or past.

Polarity and where they meet. (Image of Triangle Circle and Square)

Straight lines and curves.

The string is pulled.

The bat flies from the cave and white swan joins him.

The magpie on barn roof.

All are signs of change and transmutation.

The veil is thin between this and that.

I melt into oblivion

into everything.

I drip down caressing the green leaves in sunshine.

How I am the bee who loves the flower.

Drumming and dance

I release.

I realize.

Covered in dust.

I float.

I lack density.

I drift

but with roots.

Here I sit at the white ocean of vastness at the dark space of cosmos.

The blank building blocks of reality unmanifested.

I am the craftsman.

I hold the power.

This power is accessed through wild freedom.

Through hypnagogia, dance, fasting, storms, Nature, living water, fire, dance, stream of consciousness, toning, vibrations, breath.

Open the door and walk into the light

to become the light.

This is a spell.

A program.

A key.



And let go.

Sleep in the darkness to renew.

Remember child self.

Snake slithers.

Drought and flood.

I am grateful.

All the things that made this moment.


Intelligence of chaos.

Silence – then you can listen.

Darkness – then you can see.

Attune sensitivity like a tuning fork.

Language of emotions.

Redwing blackbirds before the storm.

I Love Life!!!

Download Of Respect

I only come with kindness, compassion, gentleness, integrity, truth, love and presence.

I shall let you lead.

I shall not have attachment, expectations, future thinking, or spiritual cords towards you.

Only peace and harmony.

I would like to know how you are doing, what your journey has been, and if you need anything. Also curious about your thoughts about global circumstances.

Let me give gratitude. I am overjoyed to have an opportunity to hear your voice.

My life has changed in ways that have never before happened in my life. New town, new environment, new plants, new community, new friends, new career, new art forms, new ways of relating, new ways of being.

The level of alignment, synchronicity, premonitions, magic and beauty in my life is constant and profound.

The reality I live in has particular access to edge magic of concrete and dream realm. That of fluid reality of infinite manifestation. I have become more deeply acquainted with my own magic in ways I have only just begun to explore.

The right people come into my life and the wrong people exit with ease and peace.

We live in a world in transition. I believe there is a split happening. One direction is harmonious evolution and the other is it’s opposite. I choose harmonious evolution.

Vibrations penetrating cells.

Organizing quantum.

The field repairs itself as spring grass and the flatness of water.

Languages abound.

The bark on trees.

The way birds act as one.

The spiraling currents of a mountain stream.

Patterns and reflections.

Light casts shadow.

Our hands change according to intention.

Precious is our attention.

Water etches canyons.

Time etches wrinkles.


Heart beats.

Stillness reveals the ephemeral.

And I stand in the trees watching the moon and clouds.

Buzzing interplay of this and that.

Of you and I.

Us and them.

Up and down.

Past and future.

Particles of sand.

Wind and mountains.

Butterflies and birds.

Grass and buffalo.

Winter Spring Summer Fall.

Pendulums in all directions and states.

A coin at rest and spinning.

I snap my fingers.

I clap my hands.

A new reality is born.

Tunnel of darkness.

Prisms of color refractions.

The space between.

Between red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple and so on.

Fragrant plants remind us.

Dancing without sound.

I make waves.

As the raindrop drips from a lead to a still pond.

Pupil to pupil.

Let me see you.

Cannot deny what I know. What I see, feel, hear. What I sense.

The transparency of the soul.

S I L E N C E.

As I observe. Receive. Reception. Spiritual digestion. Take the time. Expand. Slow.

Grasp now and observe the most beautiful flower.

Ahhhhh ——

Sounds expressed while drumming, dancing or loving.


A language of the deepest truth cannot be forced.

I speak in tongues only when spontaneous.

I speak gibberish if asked to repeat.

A laser of consciousness escapes my body as if lava from volcano forming new land.

Let me a leaf upon the wind.

On my left hand is darkness.

On my right hand is lightness.

I stand between.

A doorway behind me as past and in front is future.

I stand in the threshold.

I die and birth every moment.

Contraction and expansion simultaneously.

Reference drawing for following…

Unfurling of fern.

My heart beats in three.

Triangle of time.

Instantaneous cycles.

Aboveground and underground.


Growth and entropy.

How sensual the raindrop.



A drawing of me standing on landscape with deep roots spreading underground.

Look yonder and see the vastness that is beyond yourself and is yourself.


The white blocks in vast white space represent the building blocks of manifested reality before they have manifested.

This secret / hidden space is the stem cell of reality. It is the space between ephemeral dream and crystalized reality. The other kids are other people who have access to this space. It is accessed from child self. It is a playful curious place beyond normal logic and understanding.

What is there to say when everything is white / light.

This recurring childhood dream represents my ability to access the foundational yet unformed elements of reality. My ability to manifest. To see the foundation.

Creativity of all forms is my purpose.

The blank canvas and silent space which allows the spore of inspiration to grow.

I dig my own well.

Poetry Late At Night

Who’s ever on my mind

at the time

will be fine.

I do not draw the line

because I want to be kind.


I must let go of my mind.

And then I will find.

The truth that is mine.

I realize whatever binds.

The things that are lies

How we always must ask why?

Then I’m not afraid to die.

Here we go

To and fro

Peaks and valleys

Lows and highs.

To sleep

I go.

No need to weep.

For roots grow from my feet.

And they go deep.

I think it’s pretty neat

but it’s not mine to keep.

Thus I keep on

Like a fawn

on the pond.

Like the land

or the man.


with spring fountains.

I am allured

to that which is pure.

I yearn

to be like the fern.

It is me

I am the tree

I say with glee.

There I am

me as the lamb.

My oh my

I look to the sky


because there is no master.

Clouds flow

Trees grow

Mountains slough.

And here I go

Only with flow.

Remember to be slow.


My heart beats

as crickets leap.

I take off my coat

to sit upon a log

to hear the frogs croak.

In a beautiful bog.

To think they were just polywogs.

And caterpillars turn to butterflies.

The universe is fair.

From the peasant

to the mayor.

From the pheasant

to the mare.

Natives with their hair.

A wizard in his lair.

A witch near her cauldron.

Wisdom known by children.

Before the program is filled in.

Light density

Is my propensity.

Only then can I see.

Only then am I free.

Bricks stacked

as if they are a fact.

But it is our knack

to put them back

in the sack.

Before we feel lack.

The mirror

becomes nearer.

No fear

into your eyes you peer.


to extinctions.

North for what it’s worth.

South towards the mouth.

East to feast.

West to rest.

Mother Earth is the best.

Lest I be the best

in time of jest.

How I want to nest.


with their words.


would be fiction.

I’m alive

therefore I die.

In death

there is birth.

In night

there is light.

In the ground

up is grown

What is sewn.

This is what is known.

Only experienced

It cannot be shown.

We are never alone.

There is never a clone.

There is nothing to own.




Rain drips down

into the ground.

Into my soul

overflowing my bowl.

Sometimes I lay under wool.

Thinking I’m a mole.

Or mycelium.

To play is the way

the way.

No need to ask “if I may”

of if it’s “ok”

My cells I am

My ceiling is none.

Then I have fun.

Because there’s no game

to be won.

Shifting sands

in the mound

it is found.


and all things.

There are no walls

except our mind has the gall to say.

Hands open.

Eyes woken.

This stone is a token.

Do you think I am joking?

It is a dream

or so it seems.

No need to be mean.

Clothing rips at it’s seams.

Lips upon lips.


It doesn’t take much.

For the heart to flush.

Skin reddens

as if it was a wedding.

Ringing. Leaning. Meaning.

Symbolism in tribalism.





They want more.

This is where we get lore.

Even when we are unsure.

We open the door.

Because our eyes look to the fore.

Infants to elephants.

Do we really need management?

Look down

that’s where it will be be found.

Then you can wear the crown.

But don’t become enamored.

Grateful when I am wakeful.

Humble when I slumber.

Into hypnosis I tumble.


Soil sifting.

Through my fingers

yet is lingers.

I am eager.

To feel her.

Lover Earth.

I give you all that I’m worth.

It is for you

which I know to be true.

The moon flew round

There was no sound.

Then I found

that I was unwound.








to infinity.


to the beauty.








And circles.



And where they meet

beneath my feet.

I bow

to here and now.

An ocean

in motion

has the notion

to be a potion.

First Day Of Silence

I have become increasingly weary of normal channels of communication. I’ve lost patience for email, text and messages. Now I’ve lost patience for verbal. I deactivated facebook yesterday. Now I sit at a waterfall with rainbows and blue butterflies while wearing a tag saying “I am silent today”.

I can’t help but wonder if people who cannot speak have a deep wisdom and familiarity with other forms of communication. Likewise for blind people.

I am told my eye sight is bad. But perhaps I can observe things without glasses that other people can’t.


I have no tolerance for masks, inauthenticity, and virtual “reality”.

I care about what I can experience first hand.

I am generally sharp. I derive identity from my sharpness – particularly intellectually.

As with everything in life – it is a paradox.

My sharpness is my power and weakness.

Everything comes into our life as a lesson / teacher. Especially the challenges.

My non-sharp natural eyesight without glasses is here to teach me something.

It symbolizes existence without sharpness and laser focus. Encouraging to be instead of do. It is about gentleness. It is about observation of a different kind. It is about paying attention to that which is nearest. Let distant concerns and people and situations fade away. Softness.

On my path, I spot a bat which was catching insects adeptly. I stopped to watch this magical bat for a few minutes and now here I am sitting on the trail writing.

What is the symbolism of a bat? Night creatures. They are also about lightness, lack of density, levity.

But perhaps most importantly they observe their reality and environment unlike other creatures … through echo location. Where they “hear” the echo bouncing off objects. Just because they do not “see” well doesn’t mean cannot observe adeptly. Likewise for my own eyes, I can still observe things in a way most others cannot. Likewise I am unusual and often misunderstood sometimes even feared. Bats are particularly underground unmanifested magic. A confirmation of the power of silence.

They seem silent but speak on a different frequency.

Verbal Communication Obscures

Verbal communication obscures more subtle forms of communication.

Verbal communication is the primary expression of ego and non-authentic masks we have adapted.

It categorizes and therefore reduces wisdom of knowing.

It creates opening for others to bullshit, manipulate, and disempower you.

It creates opportunities for miscommunication.

It shuts down emotion, intuition and sensuality.

It distracts from the beauty and medicine of listening and observation.

Hypnagogic Meditation About Afterlife Through Osmotic Effect

I just got done hanging with friends around a campfire on their land. Yesterday I wrote extensively about the magical alignments which led me to where I am now. I am existing in some of most profound magic I have ever experienced in life. I ended up telling them my story including all the way back to my first relationship – something I haven’t spoken about for a long time. My memory has begun to fade about the experience. By the end of the multi-hour long story, I had tears. Very grateful for the compassionate listening and space they provided. On the way back a river of dozens of deer (possibly elk) streamed in front of us. It was confirmation of magic as the mostly full moon shone brightly.

While taking a shower around 1am at the workshop, I entered hypnagogia…

I have become a bit underweight and as I felt my face and forehead with my hands I saw my skull from an outsider looking at my “dead” body. I saw my entire skeleton – the last physical remnant to remain after death.

I think / feel about the experience of death. How when transitioning there is so much Love. At the end of life you realize just how much you Love everyone and everything. And they realize how much they Love you. Oh how our Love for life is too often taken for granted.

And the pain people feel after passing. Your shared experience and Love turns to pain from the loss of it. Does that mean we shouldn’t have had shared experience and Love in order to avoid pain? No!

We could live life in complete isolation with no connection and spare people the pain of loosing you. But that is unfulfilling and other people and the world at large would miss the shared experience they could have had with you.

I think about some of the muses in my life and how I resist romance and sensuality with them out of feat of hurting them. There is also the problem with being locked up through commitment or presence of attention such that I cannot give Love to the many other people currently in my life and those not yet arrived.

Even if there is no afterlife or unmanifested etheric consciousness, our existence lives on through the positive influence our mere existence has on other people in rippling effect.

People have emulated my style, dance, self-expression, pocket paper. They have been subtly influenced through osmosis to have respect for Nature, to express their creativity, to listen, to be gentle, to see magic and so many other things I will never know. I inspired / reminded / empowered / evolved / created / manifested in other people through my mere existence and expression.

Thus it is important to take care to be gentle and kind. To cause as much healing as possible so that when I die, my progeny lives on through the souls of people I have “touched” and souls that touch their souls.

This is an afterlife I know exists. For some people they will have kids. For others they will invent new things or litigate on behalf of those without voice. But we all leave a mark on the entire world with every word we speak (or not) and every action we do (or not).

Even if we lived for 120 years … or 1,200 years … life is short. Even as a supposed young person, I see the sand of time slip through my fingers with such increasing haste I no longer fear the inevitable.

Lomatium – which I have been taking – has been powerful medicine. It has magically entered my life in such alignment. It has shifted my perception to witness and exist in the most profound magic. I fear I cannot go back. I exist as a new way of being.

Today is day two of an entire body rash caused by Lomatium. It is said this is a one time rash which is a detox as the skin rids itself of waste and dead viruses and fungus. It is also a detox and ridding the body of negative emotions, stagnation, blocks and trauma … I feel it has revealed the incredible path that destiny guides me to.

Life is short.

We live through the progeny of the effect we have on other beings through our existence.

A log on the fire lights another log and in turn another. Not long after, the original log is only ashes, but it’s fire still exists.

Every one of us is the first log. And when we are ashes, our fire still burns.